How Far Would You Make It in Squid Games? Quiz
What is the real-life time equivalent of a single day in the game Minecraft?
In Minecraft, falling from great heights is a common cause of death. What is the minimum height required for a fall to result in a player's death?
Which one is the rarest Ore in Minecraft?
What type of area is Y-11 typically regarded as in Minecraft?
How Far Would You Make It in Squid Games? Quiz
What is the highest level of brightness that the torch can achieve?
What would happen if you accidentally hit your dog while they were playing with a pack of wolves?
If you haven't found coal, what is the process for making a torch?
What cannot be broken by the Ender Dragon?
Squid Game quiz: Which Squid Game Character Are You?
What happens when you name a mob Dinnerbone or Grumm?
What is the best way to tame an Ocelot?
Irony golems spawn in villages and they are there to protect the villagers. They also drop iron ingots if you kill them.
The stone sword is the least effective type of sword for combat.
Which Minecraft Animal Are You? Quiz
The crafting material that is most frequently used in Minecraft is leather.
Drowned mobs can be found in ocean and river biomes.
Minecraft was first released in 2010.