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Panic Disorder Test: Do I Have Panic Disorder? Quiz

High-Level Panic

You Got: High-Level Panic

In the test, you have demonstrated significant panic symptoms. You may frequently experience intense anxiety, fear, and unease, which could severely impact your daily life, work, and relationships. It is strongly recommended that you seek professional psychological counseling and treatment as soon as possible to help alleviate your symptoms and restore a normal emotional state.

Moderate-Level Panic

You Got: Moderate-Level Panic

Your test score indicates the presence of moderate panic symptoms. You may often feel anxious, uneasy, or tense, which could affect your daily life and work. You may need to seek professional help, such as psychological counseling or therapy, to better cope with and manage these emotions.

Mild-Level Panic

You Got: Mild-Level Panic

The test results show that you occasionally exhibit mild panic symptoms. You may feel some anxiety when facing stress or uncertain situations, but you are usually able to self-regulate and return to calm. It is suggested that you learn some relaxation techniques to help you better manage your emotions.

Low-Level Panic

You Got: Low-Level Panic

In the test, you have shown a lower level of panic symptoms. You are typically able to calmly handle the pressures and challenges of life, only feeling anxious or uneasy in very rare circumstances. Your strong emotional management skills help you maintain composure and confidence in various environments.

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